Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bringer of Rain, Slayer of Theokoles!

I will update/post more later but I need to get these videos up that my husband took/got at San Diego Comic Convention this weekend!! He has scored major points in the best husband category.

(this was updated : Fixed posting the wrong video under #3)

Surprise #1

Katrina Law, Mira from Spartacus (on Starz ... The only reason why we pay for premium movie channels .. and that is not a lie .. ask B) met my husband a few weeks back in Philly. He got me an autograph and "said" he told her about me (didn't quite believe him at first).

Then she TWEETED ME (Nerd I know).

They meet up again in San Diego over the weeks and not only does she remember him ... SHE REMEMBERS ME :) Listen to her say .. your wife your wife :)

(had to post to youtube to get on the blog ... womp womp)

Click here :)

Here is their photo together!! (and I love all of you for saying we look alike ... I WISH)

Surprise #2

"Hi Melissa!!!" ... SUMS IT ALL UP!! (Liam looks over too :) <3 mmmm sigh )

Surprise #3

Manu Bennett (Crixus from Spartacus) walks by and what happens next is a fans biggest dream.

The most gorgeous and amazingly friendly cast and I have never met them. You can tell they truly love their fans (and we TRULY LOVE THEM)

Anyone wanna help get me to Chicago so I can thank Katrina Law (and the entire cast) in person AND FINALLY MEET HER?!?!?! (I know she is dying to put a face to my name ;) )

If you have absolutely no idea what I am talking about, crawl out from under the rock you are living in and check this out ... Official Trailer for the Fourth (and say it ain't so) FINAL :( season.

Already planning our Second Annual Spartacus kick off viewing party in Jan of 2013!! 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Independence Day

Happy 4th of July Everyone!! 
We spent the afternoon at the pool, eating pizza and watching Tin Tin. In the evening, once B got home, we played with sparklers, our G-rated version of fireworks. 
Kids had a great day, as did I <3

Big girl in her big girl floatie!

Bryan's Birthday Beach Bash

B was out of town for his big birthday so we threw him a mini birthday beach bash that was a surprise. Thank you to everyone who came out and for those that wished they were there. 
Here is a collage I put together! :)